Improving Lifestyle Can Prevent Constipation Better - Dr. Shobhalal Oudichya

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22 Apr 24
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Improving Lifestyle Can Prevent Constipation Better - Dr. Shobhalal Oudichya

Udaipur : Constipation has become a common health issue for many individuals nowadays, but it can be prevented to some extent by making partial improvements in lifestyle. This statement comes from renowned Ayurvedic specialist Dr. Shobhalal Oudichya of Udaipur city.

He explained that constipation is affecting many people nowadays, mainly due to irregular eating habits, inadequate water intake, excessive stress, and sedentary lifestyles. Especially those who reduce their physical activities or engage in prolonged sitting are more likely to experience constipation.

**Main Causes of Constipation:**
Dr. Oudichya pointed out that excessive consumption of junk food and fast food exacerbates constipation. Low water intake, immediate water intake after meals, excessive consumption of tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages, excessive consumption of dried fruits, staying awake late at night, grief, fear, lack of physical exertion, etc., can all be causes of constipation. Irregular living, not waking up on time, eating on top of meals, indigestion, fever, anemia, hemorrhoids, habit of holding stools, can also be major causes of constipation.

**Identifying Constipation Symptoms:**
Dr. Oudichya explained that spending too much time during bowel movements, foul-smelling dry black stool, formation of lumps in stool, difficulty in passing stool - these are symptoms of constipation. Feeling heavy in the abdomen, abdominal bloating, flatulence, slow digestion, laziness, insomnia, headache (migraine) - these are also symptoms associated with constipation.

**Diagnosis of Constipation:**
Dr. Oudichya explained that making children watch mobile phones, not developing the habit of regular bowel movements for children, and even stopping the child from using the toilet when the urge comes due to fear of going to school are also main reasons. He said that constipation weakens the digestive power of Vata and Pitta.

**Preventive Measures:**
Dr. Oudichya suggested that consuming a balanced, nutritious diet, including foods like potatoes, peas, whole wheat bread, poori, kachori, chips, samosas, chaat, patties, pasta, burger, pizza, and cold drinks, can exacerbate constipation.

**Dietary Recommendations:**
Dr. Oudichya advised consuming cow's ghee as per strength, aloe vera and amla juice, moong masoor dal, spinach, pumpkin, whole wheat bread, green vegetables, coriander chutney, mango, papaya, orange, grapes, watermelon, guava, fig, raisins, dates, figs, plum, pears, buttermilk, green vegetables, bottle gourd, ridge gourd, tindsi, parwal - consuming these foods can help alleviate constipation.

**Treatment of Constipation:**
Dr. Oudichya said that yoga therapy: Pawanmuktasana, Halasana, Trikonasana, Mandukasana, Shashakasana, Gomukhasana, Vajrasana, Paschimottanasana, Halasana, Shalabhasana, Matsyasana, Utkatasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana - practicing these postures can help alleviate constipation. Pranayama: Agnisar, Kapalbhati - these pranayamas can help in the treatment of constipation.

In the Ayurvedic dispensary of the Rajasthan government, Udvart har churan, Panchsakar churan, Taruni kusumakar churan, Trifala churan, Haritaki churan, Kalamegh churan, Bhoomyamalaki churan, Abhayarishta, Kumaryasava, Drakshasava - all these Ayurvedic medicines can be useful in the treatment of constipation. Similarly, in Panchakarma therapy, abhyanga, swedana, navel basti, niruha basti, anuvasan basti, virechana - these Panchakarma therapies can help in the treatment of constipation. Along with this, natural therapies such as warm and cold water application to the abdomen, abdominal mud pack, warm cold abdominal wrap, enema - these natural therapies can also help in the treatment of constipation.

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