Science of Microvita : A new paradigm

( 7932 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 22 Apr, 18 17:04

Dr. S.K. Verma, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc. Department of Medicine, Pacific Medical College

Science of Microvita : A new paradigm Microvita is the mysterious creative entities (cosmic seeds) of life and matter in the Universe. The theory of microvita provides a unified field, philosophy to provide an explanatory framework for the mysteries of science regarding origin of matter, origin of life and evolution. This new conceptual link between varioys sciences needs scientific validation which may require well advacned physical laboratories as well as high developed conceptual minds.
Keywords: Cosmic seeds, Unified theory, Microvitum
Science is a specialized activity seeking to know the causal laws underlying natural phenomena. The knowledge which it seeks is always verifiable and eminently useful. Science in a broader sense is that which teaches the proper use of material things. It should be for service and beatitude and always be utilized for the proper progress of human society. Unfortunately, the modern science, despite its innumerable spectacular achievements, has not yet fathomed the mysteries of mind much less of consciousness. The reason is that science has an analytical (reductionist) view point and what is required is a synthetic (holistic) mental stance. Spirituality, on the other hand, concerns the Supreme Cognitive Principle based on rationality. It is also a science in itself, far advance than physical science, more subtle, precise, practical and synthetic in nature1.
In every scientific field, there is a search for unity within the diversity of observed phenomena. Physicists are trying to find a fundamental theory of matter and energy – a unified field theory. Biologists are searching for a unified theory of evolution. Spiritualists in their search are trying to experience the wholeness of single.Universal entity. So, in every field, scientists and spiritualists are trying to invade the mysteries of this phenomenal Universe in order to get one final answer. In this search, the unanswered questions are the origin of matter, origin of life, origin of Universe and evolution. Physicists and biologists are working in this field to get answer of these enigmatic queries. In this diverse search of matter, mind, life and evolution, is there any scope of unifying concept which imbibes and explains all these questions and later on this concept can be proved by developed scientific methods? The answer is affirmative. The unifying concept is theory of microvita. It is a new scientific concept introduced by Shrii P.R. Sarkar2 in 1986. It is perhaps the most unifying ideas in physical and other branches of science which are existent and which are yet to come.
Microvita-new science
Microvitum (Micro – Small, Vitum – living) or in pleural microvita as described by Sarkar are "the entities or objects which come within the realm of both physicality and psychic expression which are smaller or subtler than atoms, electrons or protons; and in the psychic realm may be subtler than ectoplasm or its extra-psychic coverage, endoplasm."
Microvita are smaller than electron on physical level and smaller than ectoplasm (mind stuff) on psychic level but they are neither electron nor ectoplasm. They are in fact a sliver line between matter and mind (idea). If atom is the constituent of matter, idea is the constituent of Microvita (Fig. 1). In other words, if matter maintains a close proximity to microvita, microvita maintains a close proximity to idea. If atom is powdered down then one can get microvita, but if microvita could be powdered down by any means, one can get idea (Fig. 2). Thus microvita are link between matter and consciousness.

As microvita are so small and subtle entity it is not going to be easy to demonstrate and prove their existence with the presently available laboratory facilities. Therefore, we can think of microvita for the time being as a creative scientific hypothesis till we get verification of their existence scientifically or intuitionally i.e. in both physical and mental laboratories.
Basic characteristics
Microvita have all the characteristics of living entity, like, existence, multiplication, mobility and death. By nature, microvitum is more energy than matter so it can travel and move through inferences. Microvitum, being the minutest entity or object, therefore, it can’t have structure that of an atom not it can have its structural formula. They are the creation of cosmic mind. They are the mysterious emanations of cosmic factor. They are conducive in physical, psychic and spiritual evolution but not the original controller. They are created by cosmic mind which in turn is an evolutionary product of pure consciousness.
Categories of microvita
Microvita have been categorized as per their density or subtlety or depending on nature of behaviour.
A) Based on density or subtlety
First : Crude variety
These are the microvita coming within the scope of perception but requires a highly developed microscope. The so called ‘virus’ come under this category which require a sophisticated electron microscope to perceive. However, virus is a vague term, better term will be microvitum.
Second : Subtle variety
This category of microvita are subtler and therefore, not coming within the scope of a perception but coming within the scope of perception as a result of their expression or actional vibration. Here the physical laboratory means will not be helpful bur require a developed intuitional mind. As the subtle variety of microvita can move in psychic sphere which is a subtle region that exists in the mind; they can move from one mind to another and can carry ideas from one mind to another. A person who has a certain idea may be that idea was brought to that person’s mind by a microvitum from another mind. It is therefore, possible that an individual who can control microvita will be able to spread his ideas with the help of microvita to the society at large.
Third : Subtler variety
These microvita are very subtler and therefore not coming within the scope of common perception but coming within the scope of a special type of perception which is actually the reflection of conception within the periphery of perception. It is perceived or known by only persons with highly evolved, spiritually oriented conceptual minds.
These microvita exist at borderline between the psychic and spiritual space (psycho-spiritual microvita). They influence human mind in such a way that mind is attracted towards spirituality. These types of microvita have been called luminous bodies. In Indian traditional script, they are also called as siddhas (Devyoniis).
In short, crude variety of microvita have their field of activity in matter. They create a stir within the physical structure and involved in emanations of life throughout the cosmos. Subtle variety, on the other hand, functions within the world of perception through inferences like sound, touch, form, taste and smell. They directly function within the subtler realm of human mind.
B) Based on nature
Microvita based on nature can be categorized into positive, negative and neutral or ordinary. As microvita are composed of both ectoplasm and matter, positive microvita are having more mind than matter while negative microvita are of more matter than mind.
Positive microvita
They are pro-ectoplasmic meaning thereby, they are of more ectoplasm than matter. They start their functioning first in the mental level then filters down towards physical matter. They are beneficial to the human beings and help in their spiritual elevation. They move more freely in both the physical and psychic arenas and barely touch the border of spiritual world. But they cannot enter the spiritual world (fig. 3). They don’t spread by natural means but by specially created waves.
Negative microvita
These microvita are pro-materialistic, having more matter than mind (Ectoplasm). They start functioning in matter and moves toward the mind. They move only in the area of physicality and just touch on the psychic arena; but can not enter the psychic world (Fig. 3). They are detrimental to human beings and spread on their own by natural forces.

Most of the viral diseases for example, AIDS, SARS, Dengue, Chickenguniya, Swine flu, bird flu, hepatitis etc. are the diseases caused by negative microvita and not by virus as thought of.
Positive and negative microvita maintain a balance in this world. Whenever the collective strength of Negative microvita exceed Positive microvita, the world moves towards degeneration. When positive microvita are in excess of negative microvita, a spiritual revolution occurs. At present, we are in the phase of degeneration. Only the collective strength of positive microvita can save us. Shrii Sarkar emphasizes that “we are to invite positive microvita for our all-round progress and all-round elevation and to denounce the advancement of negative microvita because it is detrimental to the cause of sweet and beautiful Universe”.
For that matter, to increase positive microvita, we have to chose strictly sanctified food (Sa`tvik A`ha`r), Good company (Satsang), Good books and literature (Sva`dhyaya), Good songs (Bhajan) and devotional chanting (Kiirtan).
In ancient times, the Indian sages described different species or entities which fit Sarkar’s description of Microvita. These are seven types of Devayonii (Positive Microvita), seven types of Pretayonii (Negative Microvita) and types of Gandhyakshinii (Neutral Microvita). Therefore, the basic concept of microvita is not new but has a history. Shrii P.R. Sarkar has modernized the ancient traditional knowledge and put in a scientific context. It is in real sense a synthesis of modern and ancient wisdom, a synthesis of science and spirituality.
Movement of Microvita
Microvita have remarkable mobility. They move throughout the entire universe from one celestial body to another. They move everywhere, crossing the boundaries of nebulae, piercing through milky ways, galaxies, stars, satellites, planets and meteors, without caring for the atmospheric conditions like temperature and pressure. They move through a medium or media. They move through inferences (Tanma`tra`s) of smell, taste, visual forms, touch and sound. The most subltle microvita move through the media of idea.
Physics and science of microvita
Physics describes fundamental entities of matter as waves and particles. Some experiments treat them like waves while other experiments like particle. For example electron is considered to be both as a wave and a particle and so also the photon. Microvita can also be considered as both wave and particle
Everything in this world is moving and therefore, has certain rhythm, wavelength and vibration and so also microvita. By the movement of microvita, fundamental particles of physics like electron and photon are created. When millions of microvita are moving together they would organize their own energy to create the fundamental particles.
As per atomic physics, photon of light has certain spin, moves in certain direction and also have a certain wavelength. When something that has a certain spin and direction, it actually creates a shape as a spiro or a helix. Sarkar has also described microvita in a spiro movement. If the spiro moving microvita didn’t move in a straight line but turned into a curve and close upon themselves and continue to circulate their energies in a closed form then that entity created would be a particle.
Therefore, matter would be created when a spiro moving group of microvita move in a closed form. Those microvita would then be called an electron or a photon. Interestingly, microvita in the sub-atomic particles could create their wave length which is observed in physics experiments as ghost effect. This needs further research3.
Microvita – the intelligent organizers of energy
Microvita are more of energy than matter. They have qualities of energy but they are not the same as energy. Both energy and microvita are active. The effect of energy is in physical plane, it is a blind force, must be directed by intelligence, indestructible but transferable. The effect of microvita is in physico-psychic plane, they have a consciousness and behave with a type of intelligence, they can live and die, non transferable and cannot be interchanged. In a nutshell one can designate microvita as “Intelligent organizers of energy”.
Atoms, Electrons and Microvita
Atoms, Electrons and Microvitum all are the small entities with a difference. Atom is the smallest possible particle which retains its chemical properties. Electron is the small physical entity, a hypothetical statistical cloud around atom. It is light in weight and carries a negative charge (Negatorn, e-). Microvitum is of different order, smaller than electron. It doesn’t have an internal structure. It is more energy than matter and move through inferences.
Origin of Life
Life is not explained scientifically. How it came into existence? The current theory tells that life evolves from carbon atoms and molecules. The carbon molecule is the basis of every protoplasmic structure. But as per the theory of microvita, the root cause of life is not the unicellular protozoic or unit protoplasmic cell nor carbon atoms or carbon molecules but this unit of microvitum. If one considers microvita as the fundamental organizers of energy; then microvita also organize atoms and molecules into the smallest living structure which we call life. In fact, the carbon atom itself is constituted of millions of microvita. The theory of microvita can really throw light on the different facts of creation of matter and life. This is one are of research that unify different areas of knowledge.

Creation of matter / Origin of Universe – a scientific view
Scientifically, the question, how matter first came into existence still remain unanswered. The most popular theory was Big Bang theory suggesting that Universe was created out of nothing and came into existence like an explosion. However, it is not logical to think. How can something come out of nothing?
The recent experiment on ‘Higgs-Boson’ or ‘God particle’ is also not the right way. The term ‘God’ in ‘God particle’ is a vague and it is not wise and even meaningless to connect Him to only one thing specifically. In fact, they are virtual particles with a mean life time of 10-22 sec4.
Creation of Matter / Origin of Universe – A spiritualist view
Science of spirituality designates Universe as a projection or transformation of Cosmic Consciousness. Consciousness using its creative power, transforms itself into Cosmic mind, which in turn transforms part of itself into the physical world. It may come out as a burst or an explosion but has to come from something (Fig.4).

So, this is the contribution, spiritual philosophy can make to modern science, to show that you can’t get something from nothing even if you are talking about the Origin of Universe. The most important thing of spiritual philosophy of cosmic cycle of creation is, that it shows, that matter comes out of consciousness (cosmic mind) and unit mind is evolved from matter. Microvita are the creation of cosmic mind and instrumental in the creation of matter and mind5,6.
The theory of microvita therefore, throw light on the different unknown facts of creation of matter and life and because of their movement through the entire universe, they can spread life. This is how life has spread through the Universe and reached the earth. It is not by a random evolution of a primordial soup. It is the microvita, which are participating in organizing carbon molecules into living beings and spreading life everywhere. This is one area of research that unify different areas of knowledge.
Microvita – for human welfare
The theory of microvita has immense potentialities in applying for human welfare. The field of chemistry, biochemistry, biology, commerce, pharmco-chemistry, biotechnology and pyro-technology will undergo a revolutionary change and they can be applied for betterment of living beings. What is required is extensive research in this field.
Social environment can be improved with the application of Neohumanistic education. It will be further uplifted if the science of microvita (microvitology) is incorporated on this education system; where by density of positive microvita may be increased by inclusion of concept of sentient food, the effulgent of good company, the impact of good literature on the mind and wisely selection of music, lyrics and devotional chanting in the curriculum along with timely incorporation of Yogic postures and spiritual meditation practice to the young masses. The implementation of neohumanistic education with microvitology will definitely bring heaven on this dusty earth.
Need of Research
Sarkar in his first discourse on microvita suggested the need of research on microvita. He stated that “There should be extensive research work regarding this microvitum or these microvita. Our task is gigantic and we are to start our research work regarding these microvita immediately without any further delay, otherwise many problems in modern society will not be solved in a nice way.” The statement becomes more meaningful when we look at the rising up of epidemics of negative microvita (virus) diseases with high mortality. There is no definite treatment for these negative microvita diseases. There is, therefore, impressive need to start research in this field, as pointed out by Shrii Sarkar, which can bring solace to humanity in terms of prevention and treatment of these deadly diseases.
However, it has to be remembered that for all round progress and development of human society, both spirituality and physical science have got to be encouraged and pursued. In the present age, spiritual values (positive microvita) are on the wane therefore physicality (negative microvita) enjoying the pride of place. If spirituality is pushed up again to the top, the man can reach greater height than ever. The science of microvita will certainly prove to be conducive in this direction and for all round development of humanity.

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